Protecting Your Home from Moisture Damage
Water is essential, but too much moisture can harm your home. Builders make the initial choices, but homeowners need to grasp basic moisture issues and take charge of their home's upkeep. From the roof to the foundation, discover how to dodge costly damage!
Key Concepts
Water is Everywhere: Rain, groundwater, humidity, daily use.
Controlled Water: For comfy living.
Uncontrolled Water: Hello, mold, rot, and structural woes!
How Your Home Handles Water
Exterior "Skin": Your roof, walls, and foundation should shed water. Maintenance is KEY!
Breathing: Homes need to release moisture to avoid trapping it.
Plumbing: Leaks can lead to damage.
Foundation: A dry foundation is a must!
Common Problems & Solutions
Roof & Flashing: Fix damage and seal up penetrations (like chimneys and vents). Remove old shingles before adding new ones.
Gutters & Downspouts: Keep them clean, ensure they're the right size, and direct drainage AWAY from the foundation.
Ice Dams: Boost attic insulation to prevent them.
Soffits & Fascias: Repair any damage to keep water out.
Weep Holes: Keep them clear!
Landscape & Grading: Slope away from the foundation. Avoid spraying the foundation with sprinklers.
Windows & Doors: Maintain seals and flashing.
Groundwater/Rainwater: Use sump pumps and proper drainage to divert water.
Condensation: Insulate pipes and improve ventilation.
HVAC: Regular cleaning keeps clogs and mold at bay.
Sump Pump: Test it regularly and have a backup ready!
Inspection Tip If you spot any moisture intrusion, be sure to call in qualified professionals for further evaluations and repairs.